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The Two Brothers Pictures logo, in white in the font of a type writer

/ Baptiste

6 x 60min

Harry and Jack Williams pen the return of THE MISSING’s insightful but stubborn investigator, Julien Baptiste in this thrilling new drama for BBC One. When Julien and his wife are on a visit to Amsterdam, the Chief of Police – who also happens to be an old girlfriend – seeks out his help to solve the mystery of a missing girl. Baptiste is rapidly embroiled in a case that looks beyond the beautiful streets, canals and houses of Amsterdam to the seamy underworld beneath.


Starring: Tchéky Karyo, Tom Hollander, Jessica Raine, Zachary Baharov, Claire Calbraith, Tristan Gravelle, Anastasia Hille.

The beauty of the way Baptiste creators Jack and Harry Williams operate is that they flummox us so mercilessly.

David Butcher, Radio Times (print)

Tom Hollander acting in TV Drama Baptiste

Written by

Harry & Jack Williams, and Kelly Jones

Directed by

Jan Mattys & Borkur Sigporsson

Produced by

John Griffin

Executive Produced by

Christopher Aird

Harry Williams

Jack Williams

Broadcast by


Distributed by

All3Media International

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