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The Two Brothers Pictures logo, in white in the font of a type writer

Two Brothers Equal Opportunities, Diversity & Inclusion Policy 

 Two Brothers Pictures believes in and wholeheartedly supports the principle of providing equal opportunities to all applicants for employment and to all its employees and opposes all forms of discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, age, religion or philosophical belief, gender, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, sexual orientation, political views, pregnancy, maternity, or disability. The Company does not operate differentials in salary or contractual terms based on any of these factors. 


This policy applies to every employee who is involved in any aspect of the management of employment and to all employees who make decisions or recommendations concerning recruitment, remuneration, promotion, training, demotion, transfer and other terms, conditions or privileges of employment. It also applies to all employees in their relations with other employees, colleagues and third parties. In addition, this policy also covers all officers, consultants, freelancers, contractors, casual workers and agency workers. For the purpose of this policy only “employee” therefore includes all officers, consultants, freelancers, contractors, casual workers and agency workers. The Company fully supports the rights and opportunities of all people to seek, obtain and hold employment without discrimination or harassment. 

 Equal Opportunities Policy 

It is against the policy of the Company for any employee to harass or discriminate against another employee or job applicant and such conduct will not be tolerated. All employees will be expected to comply with this policy and take appropriate measures to ensure that such conduct does not occur. Disciplinary action, which may include dismissal, will be taken against any employee who violates this policy. 

All complaints of discrimination or harassment arising during employment, however minor, will be thoroughly investigated and, if substantiated, will result in appropriate disciplinary action. Similarly, any reports of discrimination during the recruitment process will be thoroughly investigated and appropriate action taken. 


The Company will give every consideration to persons with disabilities and will make reasonable workplace adjustments as necessary in order to accommodate disabled persons. If a disabled person applies for employment, full and equal consideration will be given to employing that person. 


All decisions or recommendations concerning appointment, promotion, job assignment, grievances, disciplinary action, termination and other terms, conditions or privileges of employment will be based on competence regardless of an employee's race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, age, religion or belief, gender, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, sexual orientation, political views, pregnancy, maternity or disability, save where this can be justified in the case of discrimination arising from disability or indirect discrimination where a practice, provision or criterion is applied which is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim, or otherwise where legislation permits us to do so. 


No advertising copy will state or imply a preference, which would be in any way discriminatory against some candidates. Nor will any briefing given to Employment Agencies contain discriminatory inferences. All dealings with colleagues, customers and suppliers must be conducted in a proper and appropriate manner that will not give rise to discrimination on any grounds. 


Advice to Employees 

All employees have a responsibility to ensure that discrimination in any form does not occur. 


You must not unlawfully discriminate against or harass other people including current and former employees, job applicants, clients, customers, suppliers and visitors. This applies in the workplace, outside the workplace (when dealing with customers, suppliers or other work-related contacts, and on work-related trips or events including social events). 


Employees should be aware that discrimination can take many different forms, including: 

• Associative discrimination - this is where someone is discriminated against by reason of their association with someone who has a protected characteristic (i.e. race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, age, religion or philosophical belief, gender, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, sexual orientation, or disability). 


• Perceptive Discrimination - this is discrimination against an individual on the grounds that you perceive the individual to possess a protected characteristic (i.e. race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, age, religion or philosophical belief, gender, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, sexual orientation, or disability). It is irrelevant whether or not the individual possesses the characteristic or not. 


All Managers are responsible for eliminating any discrimination or harassment of which they are aware or ought reasonably to be aware. Failure to do so will be considered a dereliction of duty. 


If you believe that you have been the subject of discrimination or harassment you should raise the matter through the grievance procedure and or anti-harassment and bullying policy as appropriate. 


While the overall responsibility rests with the Company, individual employees at all levels also have responsibilities. Specifically, employees: 

1. Should co-operate with measures introduced by Management to ensure equal opportunity and non-discrimination. 

2. Should not themselves discriminate and should not induce or attempt to induce other employees to practice unlawful discrimination. 

3. Should not victimise or attempt to victimise individuals on the grounds that they have made complaints or provided information in relation to allegations of discrimination. 

4. Should not harass, abuse or intimidate other employees on account of their sex, race, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief or age or other such protected characteristic. For example, in an attempt to discourage them from continuing their employment. 

5. Should inform management if they suspect that discrimination or harassment is taking place in employment. 


Breach of the equal opportunities policy is potentially a serious disciplinary matter and may amount to gross misconduct resulting in dismissal. Anyone who believes that he/she may have been disadvantaged on discriminatory grounds is entitled to raise the matter through the grievance procedure, or our anti-harassment and bullying policy as appropriate. 


Diversity & Inclusion Policy 

Two Brothers Pictures is committed to supporting diversity and to creating an inclusive culture. We recognise the importance that equality legislation has to play in promoting equality and eliminating unlawful discrimination and our Equal Opportunities Policy clearly sets out our expectations for all equal opportunity matters. Beyond ensuring equal opportunities, we aim for our workforce to be diverse and for our culture and environment to be inclusive, where all people are accepted and treated with respect and are able to reach their full potential and deliver their best work. 


The success of Two Brothers Pictures is primarily down to the talented people we engage and work with. We understand that diversity across our entire workforce helps to support creativity and innovation: it is considered an essential ingredient for our continued success so that we are able to continue to develop, produce and distribute great content that global audiences want to watch. 


We therefore want our workforce to be truly representative of all sections of society and our culture to be one in which individual uniqueness and difference is embraced, valued and respected. These differences include, but are not limited to gender, gender identity, pregnancy and maternity, ethnicity, age, physical and mental ability, sexual orientation, religion or belief or absence of religion or belief, marital and civil partnership status, education and those with a caring responsibility. 


We also fully recognise that the culture and environment of our business needs to be inclusive, with no one left feeling as though they do not belong or are unable to do their best work due to their individual uniqueness. 


This policy applies to every individual who is engaged to work within Two Brothers Pictures. 



Diversity & Inclusion Aims 

Two Brothers Pictures aims to: 

• Actively support diversity and inclusion and to ensure that all colleagues (including freelancers and employees) are valued for their contribution and individual difference and treated with dignity and respect; 

• Provide colleagues with a working environment that is free from discrimination, bullying and harassment; 

• Support the aims of our customers and ultimately the desires of our viewers who want to be able to watch content that is representative of the diverse world in which we live; 

• Provide colleagues with appropriate training and information so they better understand aspects of diversity and ensure that capability is continually increasing; 

• Create a workforce (on and off screen) that is representative of our society, knowing that embracing difference enhances the creativity and capability of Two Brothers Pictures; 

• Build an inclusive culture where individual uniqueness and contribution is valued and recognised; 

• Make reasonable adjustments to meet the need of disabled colleagues; 

• Comply with relevant legislation, including equal opportunities legislation. Please refer to our Equal Opportunities Policy. 

• To undertake equal opportunities monitoring and monitor the diversity of our workforce to track the progress we are making, together with supporting Project Diamond and encouraging our colleagues to provide their diversity data. For further information about Project Diamond please contact Clare Welch, All3Media Group Head of Resourcing. Please note that any personal data will be held securely and processed in compliance with the Company’s data protection policies and procedures as set out in the GDPR Compliance Programme Handbook. 


In addition, we expect our suppliers and partners to support our aims of diversity and inclusion and encourage them to adopt similar aims to us. 


Here are some examples of the ways that in which we hope to meet our aims: 

• Identifying opportunities and actively seeking to increase the number of people we work with who are from groups/communities that are under-represented in our industry as a whole, both on and off screen, including participation in positive action schemes where appropriate; 

• Reviewing our formal and informal employment/hiring practices and procedures to ensure they are fair and help us to attract and select the best talent from a diverse pool of candidates; 

• To champion training on Unconscious Bias and diversity awareness and ensure colleagues attend training to raise their capability and understanding, especially Managers and those engaged in hiring decisions; 

• Championing and increasing the diversity of our talent networks; 

• Create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all our colleagues are recognised and valued; 

• To engage in open dialogue with all Broadcasters to collaborate with their diversity initiatives, including endeavouring to meet targets if set, as well as working in partnership to identify new diverse talent, especially on screen, and provide equal opportunities in all selection; 

• Ensure every colleague is able to work in an environment that promotes dignity and respect for all; 

• Ensuring training, development and progression opportunities are available to all colleagues. 


Colleagues also have a responsibility to create an inclusive environment. In particular, colleagues should: 

• Familiarise themselves with this policy, together with our Equal Opportunities Policy and act in accordance with our aims and commitment to diversity and inclusion at all times; 

• Treat everyone with respect and dignity and help to create an environment that is free from discrimination, bullying and/or harassment of any kind; 

• Attend diversity training and development to build their understanding and knowledge; 

• Be sensitive to the potential impact of their behaviour towards colleagues, customers, suppliers, contractors and guests; 

• Inform their Manager of any ideas they have to improve our policies, processes and initiatives to help achieve our aims; 

• To co-operate with Managers in the elimination of any discriminatory practices and support the creation of an inclusive working environment, in which everyone’s unique contribution is valued and report any concerns regarding the conduct of any Two Brothers Pictures colleagues to their Manager or HR. 



Raising Concerns 

As this is such an important matter to the Company, any breach of the Diversity and Inclusion Policy and our Equal Opportunities Policy is potentially a serious disciplinary matter. 

We will treat any complaint of discrimination, victimisation, bullying or harassment very seriously. All complaints will be thoroughly investigated as quickly as possible, with sensitivity and, where appropriate, we will seek to resolve these matters informally. If substantiated, appropriate action will be taken under the Disciplinary Policy, which may include dismissal. If the complaint relates to the conduct of a freelancer and/or those providing their services to the Company, the Company will take appropriate action, which may result in their contract being terminated without notice. 

Any reports of discrimination during the recruitment process will also be thoroughly investigated and appropriate action taken. 

Anyone who believes that he/she may have been subject to discrimination, victimisation, bullying and or harassments is entitled to raise the matter through our grievance procedure, freelancer complaint procedure or our anti-harassment and bullying policy as appropriate. 

There must be no victimisation or retaliation against staff who complain about discrimination. However, making a false allegation deliberately and in bad faith will normally be treated as gross misconduct and dealt with under our Disciplinary Procedure. 

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